Lesson 1. Install or Reinstall AN/GRC-193A Radio Set (IHFR)Figure 2. Reverse mounting of CU-2064.Figure 3. Configuration for tracked vehicle mount.Figure 4. RT-1209/URC receiver-transmitter.Figure 5. AM-6879 amplifier-converter.Figure 6. Operating controls and indicators, power amplifier AM-6545/GRC-193.Figure 7. Antenna coupler CU-2064/GRC-193A, front panel connectors and controls.Figure 8. Rear view of AM-6879/URC.Figure 9. Cleat and wing nut clamp adjustment.Figure 10. Cording diagram.Installation or ReinstallationSafety - SS0711A0019Practice Exercise - SS0711A0020Summary - SS0711A0021Lesson 2. Evaluate Operation of AN/GRC-193A Radio SetTable 1. Controls, indicators, and connectors for RT-1209/URC.Table 2. Amplifiers-converter AM-6879/URC controls and indicators.Table 3. Power amplifier AM-6545/GRC-193 controls and indicators.Table 4. Antenna coupler CU-2064/GRC-193 controls and indicators.Table 5. EPCTable 5. EPC (cont)Table 5. Op Check (cont)Secure voice operation.Summary - SS0711A0031Lesson 3. System Troubleshoot AN/GRC-193A Radio Set, and RepairFigure 11. Interconnect cabling (AN/GRC-193).Table 6. Cable pin assignments.AM-6879 FunctionsPractice Exercise - SS0711A0036Summary - SS0711A0037Lesson 4. Perform Organizational Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services on AN/GRC-193AOrganizational-level PMCSCheck cables for fraying, cuts, cracks, dry rot, or other damageTable 7. Organizational quarterly PMCS.Practice Exercise - SS0711A0042Install and Perform Unit-Level Maintenance of AN/GRC-193A Radio Set
(IHFR), Part II