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Communication Systems Reference and Training Manuals
> Troubleshoot Television Studio Equipment
Troubleshoot Television Studio Equipment
Introduction to Troubleshooting Television Studio Equipment
Lesson 1. Define Television Camera Principles of Image Conversion and Light Principles
Learning Event 2: Describe What Makes Up the Gray Scale of a Television System
Figure 1-1. Theoretical system transfer characteristics
Learning Event 2: Describe What Makes Up the Gray Scale of a Television System (Cont)
Practice Exercise - ss060050014
Amswers to Practice Exercise
Lesson 2. Define the Visible Spectrum of Light and Color Principles
Figure 2-1. Effect of prism on white light
Figure 2-2. Luminosity curves for photopic and scotopic
Trichromatic color mixing
Learning Event 3: Define the Characteristics of Hue, Saturation and Brightness
Figure 2-3. Spectral response of typical lead-oxide and vidicon pickup tubes compared to the human eye
Figure 2-4. Spectral radiation curve of white, pink, and red objects
Figure 2-5. Fundamental color mixture curves
Figure 2-6. Chromaticity diagram
Practice Exercise - ss060050025
Answers to Practice Exercise - ss060050026
Lesson 3. Define the Main Circuits of a Color Television Camera
Figure 3-1. Color separation system
Optical color separation system
Video flow
The color camera system utilizes a filter input FET preamplifier
The full bandwidth green signal and the low pass green signal go to the contours separator board (A12)
Learning Event 2: Describe How the Video Signal is Processed from the Lens to the Final Picture
Power distribution
Learning Event 3: Define and Describe the Encoder
Practice Exercise - ss060050036
Answers to Practice Exercise - ss060050037
Figure 3-2. Foldout block diagram of camera head
Figure 3-2. Foldout block diagram of camera head, Continued
Figure 3-3. Foldout block diagram of camera control unit
Figure 3-3. Foldout block diagram of camera control unit (Cont) - ss060050041
Figure 3-3. Foldout block diagram of camera control unit (Cont) - ss060050042
Lesson 4. Define the Purpose and Use of a Teleprompter Pedestal and Camera Head
Learning Event 2: Describe the Purpose and Use of a Pedestal
Learning Event 3: Describe the Purpose and Use of a Camera Head
Practice Exercise - ss060050046
Answers to Practice Exercise - ss060050047
Lesson 5. Define Audio Maintenance Procedures for MIcrophones and Cables
Figure 5-1. Wiring of microphone circuits
Plug connections
Learning Event 2: Describe the Proper Care and Handling of Audio Cables
Learning Event 3: Describe the Proper Procedures for Trouble shooting Suspected Defective Microphones
Learning Event 3: Describe the Proper Procedures for Trouble shooting Suspected Defective Microphones (Cont)
Practice Exercise - ss060050054
Answers to Practice Exercise - ss060050055
Lesson 6. Define and Evaluate Proper Lighting for a Television Studio
Figure 6-1. Relative light energy
Learning Event 2: Describe the Characteristics of Light Sources Which Must Be Considered When Lighting a Studio
Practice Exercise - ss060050059
Answers to Practice Exercise - ss060050060