Figure 3-8. MSE/TRITAC interface
a. You, the signal officer, will be responsible for coordinating and providing signal
support. Signal support at the various echelons (division/corps/theater) consists of the five
disciplines of the Information Mission Area (IMA). The five disciplines are communications,
automation, visual information, records management, and printing and publications.
b. Record management, printing, and publication functions that are performed in a
tactical environment are known as battlefield information systems (BIS).
c. The theater communications system (TCS) provides signal support at echelons above
corps (EAC). Tri-service tactical communications (TRITAC) systems constitute the primary
communications system at EAC. MSE is the primary communications system at corps and
below. Certain planning factors must be considered to interface the two systems. This interface
is critical to have an integrated TCS.