(2) Internal nets.
(a) The DISCOM command rear battle/operations net (FM) is the principal net operated
by the DISCOM headquarters and is used to command and control elements of the DISCOM in the
performance of its logistics mission. As Figure 2-9 depicts, the key staff elements and subordinate
commands enter this net to keep up with CSS demands. The MSB must know the overall posture of the
division, and FSBs work with each other in their efforts to support the brigades. This is a busy net, so
only command and control traffic should be passed. The three FSBs, the MSB, and the division MMC
are the activities that move supplies and equipment to those units needing support. An FSB that cannot
fully support a brigade may be augmented by another FSB.
Figure 2-9. DISCOM command and rear battle net (FM)
(b) The DISCOM logistics operations net (AM) provides a long-range command and
control link for the DISCOM. This is especially helpful when the division is operating over extended
distances (Figure 2-10).
(c) The DISCOM medical command/operations net
(FM) is used by the division
medical operations center to coordinate with division medical
companies and corps medical
brigade element, patient medical regulating, air/ground evacuation,
and emergency medical supply
(Figure 2-11).
In combat, when casualties are heavy, this
net may be so busy with