Lesson 3/Learning Event 3
a. Operational controls. All of the controls and jacks are located on
the front of the test set for easy access. They are arranged in sections
that correspond to the test that may be performed and the setup procedures.
(1) Receive/transmit jacks.
The receive/transmit jack section is
used to connect the test set to the circuit under test. This section has
two 310 jacks, four binding posts, rotary switch, four indicator lights and
a chassis grounding post. The 310 jacks are used to connect the test set to
a circuit using patch cords at a patch bay. The binding post may be used
when there is a requirement to perform a test where there are not any patch
bays, then individual conductors may be used to connect the test set to a
distribution frame or cable.
The rotary switch is a two position switch
used to reverse the transmit and receive of the jacks, in the up position
the left jack is connected to the receive (REC) and the right jack is
connected to the transmit (TRMT) of the circuit under test.
In the down
position the jacks are reversed (This procedure applies to four-wire
circuits). When testing a two-wire circuit the left jack will be used. The
indicator lights indicate which jacks are TRMT and REC. The chassis ground
post is to be used for ground when a ground cannot be made through the
sleeve of a 310 plug or the binding post are used to perform a test.
(2) Setup controls. The setup controls consist of nine two position
switches and two indicator lights.
The indicator lights operate in
switches. The switches are self explanatory, when