The camera set lens has a 12inch focal length which is operating
with a bellows extension of 29.5 inches. The exposure meter
indicated that an exposure of 5 seconds at f.16 would be correct
for the illumination and the film used. Using the formula, find
the corrected exposure setting.
(Therefore, the corrected exposure setting is 30 seconds at f.16.)
(4) Upon completion of the corrected exposure setting calculation,
set the aperture lever at the required f. stop, set the speed cam at T, and
make the copy.
Making Copy
To make a copy negative, proceed as follows:
a. Insert a loaded filmholder in the focusing back.
The slide of the filmholder that faces the lens must have the
bright side out, indicating an unexposed film.
b. Release the locking screw on the filmholder and remove the slide
from the filmholder.
c. To use the cable release to produce the exposure as calculated in
paragraph 33b, proceed as follows:
(1) Press the cable release plunger to open the shutter.