326 Preparation for Drying Cut Film
a. Lift the two removable trays (figure 37) from the cabinet.
b. Position the four sidepanel brackets (on which the trays will rest)
at heights that will accommodate the cut film to be dried. The brackets
have clips to engage the vent holes on the side panels. Do not position the
brackets too close to each other; allow sufficient room for thorough air
circulation and even drying of all the film.
c. Set the removable trays on the brackets.
d. Hook the cut film hangers onto the notched rails on the underside of
the removable trays (figure 37). Be sure that each hanger is set into a
notch. In this position, the air flow hits the edges of the film and is
across, not against, the face of the film.
e. When the cabinet is fully loaded, close the door.