a. Commercial Mounts. Commercial mounts are generally made of cardboard or plastic. They
come in a variety of sizes. Make sure that you specify size when ordering commercial mounts. Figure
2-8 shows examples of commercial viewgraph mounts.
Figure 2-8. VGT mounting frames
b. Making Mounts. You can make your own mounts using most any opaque materials such as
cardboard, heavy weight paper, file folders, etc. You cut out the aperture area, center your foil, and
fasten it in place using masking or plastic tape. You should make your aperture area dimensions 7 1/2
by 9 1/2 inches.
c. Attaching Foils to Mounts. Regardless of the type of mount that you use, the easiest way to
attach your foils to the mount is with masking or plastic tape. Avoid using cellophane tape, as it
becomes brittle and shrinks with age. Tape all four sides of the foil to the underside of the mount.
Taping the foils to the back provides a more professional looking job, and assures a flat projection area.
Figure 2-9 shows the proper method for mounting a foil in the frame.
9. VGT Overlays (Flips).
a. Using Overlays. The use of overlays is one of the most effective features of overhead
transparency projection. Since the VGT projector does not require the projectional to be tightly
mounted, you can easily use overlays, or flips, to enhance the effectiveness and visual impact of your
VGT. By the use of flips, you can prepare separate transparency sheets for problems, processes, and
other forms of information. You then project these points in the desired order to present the
information in a logical sequence.