them by turning the MODE switch to V-RCV and then back to V-TR.
The CPLR fault
light indicates the problem is probably in the CU-2064.
The PA fault lamp
indicates the problem is probably in the AM-6545.
This should be the first
component replaced during troubleshooting.
18. AM-6879 FUNCTIONS.
speaker circuits.
It should be the first suspect for a no-audio problem.
could be confirmed by hooking the handset on the unused audio connector of the RT.
19. INDICATORS FOR TROUBLESHOOTING. When the radio is powered up, you should hear
band switching. If not, change the frequency by 10 MHz (between 2 and 30 MHz), and
key the PTT switch. If no band switching is heard, suspect the RT or PA (do the
checks from paragraph 16 first).
You should also hear a beeping noise from the
speaker and handset-connected to J1 of the RT. If the beep is heard in the speaker
and not the handset, suspect the handset, then the RT. If the beep is heard in the
handset but not the speaker (checks in paragraph 16 were OK, SPEAKER switch in ON
position, and squelch switch in OFF position), suspect the AM-6879. The yellow TUN
lamp should light, but the other indicators on the AM-6545 should not. If they do,
suspect the AM-6545. Pressing the LIGHT switch on the RT should light the lamp in
the frequency windows, and pressing the FAN/LAMP TEST switch should light all six
indicators and the fans should become audible in AM-6545 and CU-2064.
If the
indicators do not light or fans do not run, suspect the AM-6545 unless the only
indicator that does not work is the fan in the CU-2064; then suspect CU-2064.
Input voltage must be between 20 and 32 v DC. After 60 to 90 seconds, the RDY lamp
should light. If not, try the warm-up again. If it still does not work, suspect
the AM-6545.
Press the PTT switch (momentarily).
a. A steady tune signal should be heard.
b. The RDY and TUN lamps should remain lighted until the XMT light comes on.
c. The tuning motors in AM-6545 and CU-2064 should be audible.
d. After 5 to 20 seconds, only the RDY lamp should remain lit, and the tune
tone should disappear.
Press and hold the PTT switch.
a. The speaker should be muted (no sound).
b. The green XMT lamp should light.
c. The high-voltage power supply in the AM-6545 should whine.
d. The M1 meter should deflect, and sidetone should be heard when you blow
into the handset.