Depress the catch in the upper end of the lowest mast section and rotate the
mast section thru one-twelfth of a turn, left or right. Disengage the lowest
mast section from the one above it and withdraw it from the launcher. Refer
to Fold-Out 6 and locate each part referred to in this step.
Set the brake control levers so that the arrows point downward. Use the
jacking lever to lower the mast until the joint between the next pair of mast
sections is in line with the horizontal stripe on the launcher. Then remove the
mast section in the same manner as prescribed in step 5. Refer to Fold-Out 6
and identify each part.
Use this step if the antenna height is 35 feet. Close Fold-Out 6 and open Fold-
Out 5. Refer to the Fold-Out while reading this step.
Continue jacking and removing mast sections until the guy attachment ring is
about 18 inches above the top plate of the launcher. Disconnect the cable
assembly and unsnap the cable grip. Remove the white-coded guy wires from
the guy attachment ring and remove the guy attachment ring.
Use this step if the antenna height is 50 feet. Close Fold-Out 6 and open Fold-
Out 5. Refer to Fold-Out 5 while reading this step.
Continue jacking and removing mast sections until the guy attachment ring
between the fifth and sixth mast sections is just above the top of the launcher.
Unsnap the cable grip and the white-coded guy wires and remove the guy
attachment ring. Resume jacking and removing mast sections until the upper
guy attachment ring is 18 inches above the top of the launcher. At this time
unsnap the upper cable grip and blue-coded guy wires from the guy
attachment ring. Remove the guy attachment ring.
The steps you have just read cover the lowering of the mast. All the mast sections are now
removed and the guy wires connected to guy attachment rings have been disconnected.
Disassembly of the Launcher and Antenna. During the last set of steps you read the
last mast section was lowered to 18 inches above the launcher top plate. This group