Sequence the following steps used to replace a defective indicator lamp.
Pull the defective lamp out of the jewel.
Replace the jewel in its receptacle, and turn it clockwise as far as it will turn.
Turn the jewel counterclockwise, and pull it out of its receptacle.
Push the replacement lamp into the jewel until it seats properly.
a. ______________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________________
d. ______________________________________________________________________
Place a "D" in front of those items inspected during an operator's daily preventive
maintenance inspection, and a "W" in front of those items inspected during an operator's
weekly preventive maintenance inspection.
_________ Cables and connectors
_________ Air filter
_________ Knobs, dials and switches
When you are completed, check your responses with Lesson Exercise Solution Sheet 1 on the
following pages.