If an indicator lamp does not light when it should during the operational check or during normal
operation, use the following four steps to replace the lamp.
Turn the jewel counterclockwise and pull it out of its receptacle.
Pull the defective lamp out of the jewel.
Push the replacement lamp into the jewel until it seats properly.
Replace the jewel in its receptacle, and twist it clockwise as far as it will turn.
Other defects found during an operational check should be referred to a higher category of
d. Operator's Weekly Preventive Maintenance. In addition to daily checks performed by
the operator, there are additional items to be checked on a weekly basis. There are four operator
weekly preventive maintenance checks to be performed once each week by the operator of the
radio set as a routine part of his regular duties.
(1) The first item of the operator's weekly preventive maintenance checks and
services is the air filter. The air filter should be removed and replaced with the spare filter.
After removing the filter, clean it by blowing air thru it or by dipping in cleaning compound. If
air is used for cleaning, the pressure should not exceed 30 psi.
(2) The next item is mountings. Check for loose nuts and bolts or missing hardware.
If you are authorized to perform only operator's maintenance, you won't have any tools available
to tighten the loose nuts or bolts. Therefore, any irregularities must be reported to a higher
category of maintenance.
(3) The third item in a weekly inspection involves the antenna guy anchors. Caution
should be exercised while making these checks. Inspect each guy anchor for looseness and
possible shifting. Any irregularities should be reported to a higher category of maintenance.
(4) The last items that require checking are the antenna guys. Proceed with extreme
caution while checking all guys for proper tension. Also check that the mast is straight and
vertical. Any irregularities found should be reported to a higher category of maintenance.