Organization and Mission of a Divisional Air Defense Battalion. The mission of a divisional air
defense battalion is to provide air defense for forward combat element against low-altitude hostile
aircraft and to attack and destroy hostile surface targets as required.
a. Air defense battalion (heavy division). The air defense battalion assigned to a heavy division
within the continental United States (CONUS) consists of a headquarters and headquarters battery
(HHB) and thee Vulcan/Stinger batteries. The air defense battalion assigned to a heavy division located
outside CONUS (OCONUS) consists of a HHB, two self-propelled Vulcan batteries, and two self-
propelled Chaparral batteries. The air defense battalion in a heavy division has approximately 600
assigned soldiers. The structure of the battalions is shown at Figure 1-1.
b. Air defense battalion (light division). The air defense battalion assigned to a light division is
organized with an HHB, three light air defense system Stinger batteries, and an Improved
Chaparral/Stinger battery. This air defense battalion has about 320 soldiers.
c. Air defense battalion (air assault division). The air defense battalion assigned to an air
assault division consists of an HHB, a towed Vulcan gun battery, and two Stinger batteries. There are
about 450 soldiers assigned to this air defense battalion. The structure of the battalion is shown at
Figure 1-2, page 1-4.
d. Air defense battalion (airborne division). The air defense battalion assigned to an airborne
division consists of an HHB and four composite towed Vulcan/Stinger batteries. The air defense
battalion in airborne division has approximately assigned 450 soldiers. The structure of the battalion is
shown at Figure 1-3, page 1-4.
e. HHB. Whether assigned to a heavy, light, air assault, or airborne division, the HHB of an air
defense battalion provides the same general mission and functions for the unit. The primary mission of
the HHB is to provide command and control, administrative, supply, and maintenance support for all
elements assigned to the air defense battalion. The HHB is usually structured into two distinctive pans:
the battalion headquarters (HQ) and the battery HQ. A typical HHB (Chaparral/Vulcan) is depicted at
Figure 1-4, page 1-5.
(1) The battalion HQ.
(a) The command section provides the battalion's units with the command, control,
planning, supervision, and administrative and logistical support required to conduct operations.
(b) The S1 section provides both personnel and administrative support.
(c) The S4 section plans and coordinates the battalion's logistical activities.