Monitor the time standard broadcast and switch sidebands. Verify that the pitch of the audible signal
does not change. This indicates the frequency accuracy of the radio set is within specifications.
Turn the radio off. The test is completed. The radio set is good.
a. Now that you have performed the operation test on the AN/PRC-104, you are ready to operate it. Set
the controls as follows:
Turn MODE switch to V-TR.
Turn sideband select switch to USB or LSB (as appropriate).
Set FREQUENCY to your net operating frequency (see SOI).
Turn ANT SEL switch to WHIP antenna.
Turn VOLUME control to desired listening level. Power is applied at this time through the
VOLUME control.
NOTE: If a clicking sound is heard, this indicates a weak battery (20 V or less), and the battery needs to be
Momentarily press the handset PTT switch.
Listen for a 1-kHz tune-up tone. Tuning is brief; it may be 3 to 12 seconds.
NOTE: Tune tone should terminate within 12 seconds. This indicates the radio is tuned and ready for
operation. A continuous, rapid beeping in the handset indicates failure of the radio to properly tune (a tune fault
exists). (Refer to troubleshooting procedures or to organizational maintenance.)
b. To communicate with the AN/PRC-104, use the handset as follows:
Press the PTT switch, transmit to another station, and release the PTT switch to hear (receive) the
other station.
Press to transmit, and release to listen.
Listen for sidetone in the handset earpiece. Its presence indicates you are transmitting.
12. DISASSEMBLY AND TRANSPORT PROCEDURES. Now that you know how to operate the radio set,
you are ready to learn how to disassemble and transport it.