16. CORROSION CONTROL. You should check for any corrosion or fungus on the radio set whenever you
are operating it or preparing it for operation. When you perform PMCS, you should separate the three units if
they are installed and check the exterior surface controls and connectors for any signs of corrosion or fungus. If
you see any signs of this, you should remove it with a cloth and/or brush moistened in cleaning solvent. Repaint
any surfaces that need painting.
17. SUMMARY. In this lesson, you have learned how to perform the daily and weekly checks and services,
how to clean the radio set, and what measures you can take to control corrosion. The performance of maintenance
on this radio set is very important. It can mean the difference between life and death in some instances. As a
result, you should place emphasis on the performance of the maintenance on this and all radio sets.