(5) From figure 24, it can be seen that three transmitter
frequencies are required for the A to M shots.
Thus, a minimum of
three frequencies are required in Block I for A to M. Continue the
analysis of the network, by counting Block II A to B frequencies
required in that direction, then count Block III requirements M to B
It is not necessary to determine the number of
frequencies in Blocks IV, V, and VI, because by counting the first
three blocks I, II, and III gives half the total number of
frequencies for the entire network. Example, in Block I a minimum of
three frequencies are required in the A-M direction.
Since these
frequencies will be assigned in pairs, a total of three frequencies
will be required in Block IV M-A the opposite direction.
requirements for the entire network conform with the listing below:
A-M ...... Block I ....... 3 frequencies.
A-B ...... Block II ...... 4 frequencies.
M-B ...... Block III ..... 4 frequencies.
M-A ...... Block IV ...... 3 frequencies.
B-A ...... Block V ....... 4 frequencies.
B-M ...... Block VI ...... 4 frequencies.
(6) Arrange the allocated frequencies in a numerical sequence,
then divide the frequencies into the six blocks (see chart below) to
include as many for each block required ((5) above).
On the ABM
plan, record the number of frequencies required in each block
starting with Block I to Block VI, respectively.
The following ABM