Transmission Protection.
This requires the preoperational selection
concert with preventive ECCM principles. Additional transmission protection
can be provided for single-channel radios.
These include the AN/VRC-12
family of radios and the SINCGARS. Using steerable null antenna processor
(SNAP-1) allows efficient jam-free reception.
This occurs even when the
An example is the OL-275/VRC used with the AN/VRC-12 and
SINCGARS radios.
a. The OL-275/VRC SNAP-1 consists of a CP-1380/VRC steerable null
antenna processor and a J-3792/VRC interconnecting box. It also includes a
CX-13179/U special purpose electrical cable assembly (Figure 2-2).
Figure 2-2.
OL-275( )/VRC steerable null processing group.