Figure 2-28. Tensioning a guy at an anchor to be
secured with a strand clamp.
(2) Pass the bolt for the upper clamp of the shield through the hole in the shield. Place the
clamping plate and the nut on the clamp bolt. Be sure the guy strand is between the clamping plate and
the shield. Adjust the position of the clamping plate in accordance with the size of the guy strand and
tighten the nut on the clamping bolt.
b. Painted guy shield. If guy shields are used on guys near crosswalks, driveways, or other
locations in which there is heavy traffic, the guy shields should be painted white. Wash the galvanized
surface to be painted with cider vinegar, apply a primer coat of oil and lead base paint, and then within
about 96 hours, apply a coat of white enamel paint.