(2) Form a right-angle bend in the protection wire about 1/2 inch (1.27 cm) from the ground
end of the wire. Drive the bent end of the wire into the pole. Place the last staple about 2 inches (5.08
cm) above the end of the wire.
b. Installation of lighting protection on poles supporting cable only.
(1) Attach the vertical run of protection wire to the pole, as described in paragraph a above.
Run a short connecting length of protection wire around the pole from the cable-suspension strand
mounting hardware to the vertical protection wire run. Loop one end of this connecting wire under the
square washer and behind the cable suspension clamp or supporting strap. The other end is bent to run
down along and to bear against the vertical run for a distance of about 4 inches (10.16 cm). A 4-inch
(10.16 cm) separation is required between the connecting wire and the lead cable.
(2) Staple the connecting wire to the pole. Where the connecting wire and the vertical wire
run together, drive the staples over both wires to maintain the contact between the wires.
c. Poles supporting both cable and open wire. On unguyed poles carrying both cable and open
wire, install lightning protection wire as described in paragraphs a and b above.
Protection of anchor guyed poles.
a. Poles supporting open wire.
(1) If the guy and the guy mounting hardware in contact with the guy are above the second
crossarm position, no lightning protection wire is required.
(2) If the guy and the guy mounting hardware are below the second crossarm position, install
lightning protection wire from the top of the pole down to a point above and in a direct line with the guy
mounting hardware. Bend and drive the ends of the protection wire into the pole and staple the
protection wire as previously described.
b. Poles supporting cable only (guy above cable).
(1) If any part of the guy or the guy mounting hardware is within 18 inches (45.72 cm) of the
pole top, no protection wire is required.
(2) If the guy and the guy mounting hardware are more than 18 inches (45.72 cm) from the
pole top, install lightning protection from the top of the pole down to a point above and in a direct line
with the guy mounting hardware. Bend and drive the ends of the protection wire into the pole, and
staple the protection wire as described in paragraph 1 above.