Guys that are exposed to power line voltage of more than 300 volts must be electrically protected
by either grounding or isolating the guy. The detailed plan will specify which guys should be
electrically protected and whether the guys should be grounded or isolated.
a. Zone of exposure is the area surrounding any power conductor. The zone of exposure
extends upward from the ground level to include all points above and below the power conductor.
b. Exposed guy. Any guy that-
(1) Extends into or through the zone of exposure of power circuits with voltage exceeding
300 volts.
(2) Is electrically connected to an exposed guy on the same pole.
c. Electrically connected guys. A guy that is connected by direct attachment or by means of a
mounting bolt, anchor rod, ground wire, bonding strip, or other metal part to an exposed guy or wire.
Grounding guys. Exposed guys are grounded by making an electrical connection between the
guy and a suitable ground. The term ground, in electrical systems, refers to a low impedance path to the
earth for the return of electrical current through the earth to the generator or source of electrical power.
a. Types of grounds for exposed guys. A multigrounded neutral power conductor is a suitable
ground for guys that are exposed to any power line voltage.
(1) A continuous communications cable suspension strand that is systematically and
effectively grounded is suitable for grounding guys that are exposed to any voltage.
(2) A ground rod or rods, driven into the earth near the base of the pole with the exposed
guy, may be used when other types of grounds are not available. This type of ground should be used
only when specified in the detailed plan.
b. Methods of grounding exposed guy. The method for grounding an exposed guy depends on
conditions at the guy locations. A good electrical connection must be provided between the guy and the
desired ground.
(1) If the same bolt is used to attach the guy and the cable suspension stand to the pole, the
guy is electrically connected to the suspension strand.