When he gets to the top, he must have a J-hook to secure the cable. He must
have cable grips or marline cord to secure the cable to the J-hook. He must
also have marline cord to secure the cable 3 feet from the top and 3 feet
from the bottom. There must be a 6-inch safety loop in the cable at the top
of the pole going from the vertical direction to the horizontal direction.
22. If using marline cord at the top of the pole, the climber will have to
use basket hitch ties to secure the cable. Be sure there are at least seven
crossovers between the clove hitch and where the marline cord is passed
around the pole. The cord is passed in front of the pole, around the pole
twice; the cord is then separated and a square knot tied. Place a safety
loop in the cable to relieve tension.
23. When tying the cable 3 feet from the top and bottom, it is best to tie
the cord to the cable.
This prevents the cable from sliding around the
pole. Then pass one end around the back and the other across the front of
the pole and finish with a square knot.
Be sure the cord is tight to
prevent the cable from moving.
24. At all poles between the first and last pole, the climber will need
two strands of marline cord 12 feet long or two cable grips.
If using
marline cord, the climber will have to use a weave tie to secure the cable
to the pole. Do not forget the safety loop.
25. Another method of crossing a road using aerial is with lance poles
PO-2. You will need at least two and maybe three on each side of the road.
They must be tied together properly and guyed to hold the cable. DO NOT put
more than two or three cables on one set of lance poles.
Staking and
tagging of the cable is the same as with a telephone pole. Construction of
the lance poles can be found in TC 24-20.
26. Still another method of crossing a road using aerial is by
constructing A-frames.
There are advantages to using A-frames over lance
One advantage is that you could use A-frames for all your
construction from terminal to terminal. If you use it to cross the road,
you need two terminal A-frames. A terminal A-frame is built like a square
teepee. The boards are 22 feet long and secured with a bolt at least 2 feet
from the top. You will need a J-hook one foot from the top to secure the
27. Constructing an A-frame can be an easy task.
The problem is
constructing it properly. You will need two boards, 2" x 4" x 22'; a bolt 5
to 6 inches long with washers and a nut to go through the boards; a drill to
make the hole for the bolt; a J-hook to be inserted 1/2 foot from the top of
one of the boards. The hole is drilled 2 feet from the end of each support.
You will also need a stake for the base of each board to keep it in place.
You need either cable grips or marline cord to secure the cable to the J-
hook. Marline cord is used to secure the cable to the board the same as on
a telephone pole.
A stake is placed one foot from the base of the board
with the cable tied to it to secure and identify the cable. The base of the
boards should have been spread 20 feet apart and held in place.
The top
center of the boards should be in the line with the previous aerial on poles
of the last A-frame or in line with the cable on the ground.