c. Pulse type is a sharp spike.
d. Pulse width is 150 nsec (max).
Figure 2-6.
Restorer, pulse form TD-206B/G.
44. Pulse form restorer TD-1218( )/G low speed pulse restorer (LSPR) is a
member of the DGM family.
It is used to regenerate the cable signal at
intervals of 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) in coaxial cable CX-11230A/G. The LSPR
is a two-way unit which detects and renews booster signals at 2304 kb/s. It
carries orderwire circuits and will provide loading and access to the
orderwire signal in conjunction with the cable orderwire unit (COU).
Figure 2-7 on page 2-12.
Some characteristics of the LSPR are-
a. Remotely powered by the low speed cable drive modem.
b. Restores and retimes the signal.
c. Drives the signal over 1 mile on CX-11230A/G.