c. Any deficiencies should be recorded and those not corrected while the checks and services are
being performed should be reported immediately. Use the forms and procedures that are specified in TM 38-
750. Equipment that cannot be corrected by the organizational repairman should be deadlined in accordance
with TM 38-750. Perform the monthly preventive maintenance checks and services (fig. 3-1) in the
sequence listed. If the observed results are not as indicated, refer the equipment to the next higher level of
d. All references in Figure 3-1 are for TM 11-6740-289-12.
Figure 3-1. Organizational monthly preventive maintenance checks and services
Quarterly checks and services.
a. The maintenance performed during the quarterly checks and services will assist in keeping your
equipment operating under all conditions.
b. Periodic daily, weekly, and monthly checks and services constitute a part of the organizational
quarterly preventive maintenance checks and services and must be performed concurrently. All deficiencies
and shortcomings should be recorded in accordance with the requirements of TM 38-750. Perform all
checks and services listed in the quarterly preventive maintenance checks and services (fig. 3-2) in the
sequence listed.
c. All references in Figure 3-2 are for TM 11-6740-289-12.