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Communication Systems Reference and Training Manuals
> Principles of Photography
Introduction to Principles of Photography
Lesson 1. Identify the Basics of Photography - SS05070008
Figure 1-1. Exposure - SS05070009
Figure 1-2. Processing steps - SS05070010
Learning Event 2: Describe the Behavior of Light - SS05070011
Figure 1-6. Surface effect on light
Learning Event 3: List the Colors of Light and Their Wavelengths - SS05070013
Figure 1-9. The electromagnetic spectrum
Learning Event 4: Determine the Intensity of Illumination - SS05070015
Learning Event 5: Idnetify the Basic Types of Single Lenses
Figure 1-14. Positive lenses
Learning Event 6: Describe the Cause and the Correction of Lens
Practice Exercise - SS05070019
Practice Exercise-cont. - SS05070020
Answers to Practice Exercises - SS05070021
Answers to Practice Exercises-cont. - SS05070022
Lesson 2: Determine the Application of Optics - SS05070023
Figure 2-1. Focal plane
Figure 2-3. Location of focal length - SS05070025
Learning Event 2: Determine the Effect on Image Size for a Given Lens
Figure 2-5. Different lens to subject distance - SS05070027
Figure 2-6. Different subject sizes - SS05070028
Learning Event 3: Determine the Angle of View for a Given Focal Length Lens
Figure 2-8. Angle of view and subject coverage - SS05070030
Figure 2-9. Angle of view for various focal length lenses - SS05070031
Learning Event 4: State the Effect on Perspective for a Given Focal Length Lens
Figure 2-11. The apparent depth perspective of three different focal length lenses
Figure 2-12. Foreshorten Perspective/compression of space - SS05070034
Practice Exercise - SS05070035
Practice Exercise-cont. - SS05070036
Answers to Practice Exercise - SS05070037
Lesson 3: Apply the Fundamentals of Exposure and Focusing
Learning Event 1: Determine the Light Sensitivity of Film-cont.
Learning Event 2: Identify the Two Common Types of Mechanical Shutters
Figure 3-2. Between the lens leaf shutter - SS05070041
Learning Event 3: Calculate Shutter Duration - SS05070042
Table 3-1. Effect of increase or decrease in exposure - SS05070043
Learning Event 4: Calculate Aperture Openings
Table 3-2. The increase or decrease of light intensity from one f/stop to another
Learning Event 5: Calculate Shutter Speed, Aperture, and Film Speed
Learning Event 6: Determine Daylight Exposure - SS05070047
Figure 3-5. Daylight conditions
Figure 3-6. Lighting directions - SS05070049
Test Exposure. - SS05070050
Learning Event 7: Calculate Daylight Exposure - SS05070051
Table 3-3. Match shutter speed to film speed - SS05070052
With the practice of the f/16 rule
Learning Event 8: Define Focus
Figure 3-8. 35mm Frame
Learning Event 9: Define Depth of Field and Hyperfocal Distance
Figure 3-10. Depth of field and hyperfocal distance - SS05070057
Learning Event 10 Calculate Hyperfocal Distance
Learning Event 11: Select Appropriate Focus
Figure 3-12. Depth of field increases as aperture decreases - SS05070060
Learning Event 12: Calculate Depth of Field - SS05070061
To use a depth of field scale - SS05070062
Practice Exercise - SS05070063
Practice Exercise-cont. - SS05070064
Answers to Practice Exercise - SS05070065
Lesson 4: Apply the Basics of Composition
Learning Event 2: State the Principles Composition
Figure 4-2. Placement of center of interest - SS05070068
Figure 4-3. Ideal division of a line - SS05070069
Figure 4-4. Balance of like shape and weight - SS05070070
Figure 4-7. Horizontal division - SS05070071
Figure 4-9. Lines that look like lines
Tonal Separation.
Figure 4-14. Total separation
Figure 4-15. Lighting
Figure 4-17. Horizontal formats
Pictorial framing. - SS05070077
Figue 4-24. Distracting background
Image Size. - SS05070080
Figure 4-28. High camera angle
Practice Exercise - SS05070082
Practice Exercise-cont. - SS05070083
Answers to Practice Exercises - SS05070084
Principles of Photography
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