To load the 4x5-inch film holders, follow the
procedures in para 1-10 a, b.
a. Film loading procedures should be performed in a photographic
darkroom. However, any room or space which is clean, dust free, and completely
blocks out all light may be used. Loading the film holders in other than total
darkness may ruin the film.
Be sure to read and understand the loading
procedures before attempting to load any holder.
b. Loading 8x10-inch film holders.
The following procedures apply to
each of the 8x10-inch film holders,
(fig 1-53).
(1) Place the film holder on a clean work surface.
Make sure the
holders are clean and free of dust.
(2) Pull out the slide and partially reinsert it in the film holder.
Make sure that the bright side of the slide (notches) faces out.
(3) Open the hinged bottom of the film holder.
Hold the hinged
bottom open with the left hand and the film in the right hand, with the
forefinger on the notches. Make sure that the notches are in the position
as shown, so that the emulsion (dull) side will face up.
(4) Slide the film into the grooves along the sides of the film
holder, until it is fully inserted. Close the hinged bottom.
(5) Insert the slide completely into the film holder and into the
hinged bottom.
Set the locking screw (not shown) to hold the slide in position.
(7) Turn the film holder over and load the
repeating the procedures in (1) through (6) above.