supervise station net duties and inspect station net operations.
Operations Instructions (the CEOI).
Technical publications are constantly updated to ensure that current
information is available to all soldiers. It is possible that your unit may
not receive a change to a publication or a revised edition. DA Pam 310-1
(microfiche) provides indexes and lists of current Army publications,
publication numbers, titles, and the most current publication dates.
ensure the publications you have are the current versions, look up the
publication number in the index or list and compare the date in the index to
the date on the document.
Matching dates indicates you have the current
manual. If you do not have the current version of a manual or the latest
change, it will have to be ordered through your unit.
Learning Event 2:
The required references contain information concerning operating
procedures and instructions. This information requires a specific level of
protection according to its sensitivity. AR 380-5 and (O) TB 380-41 provide
guidance for safeguarding classified (not FOUO) information.
AR 340-17
outlines the protection measures employed for information designated "For
Official Use Only" (FOUO).
Operational SOI are classified as CONFIDENTIAL. CONFIDENTIAL applies
only to information or material of which the unauthorized disclosure could
possession or in the possession of your operator, it is considered to be in
Adequate protection for your SOI during use is when the document is
used, physically possessed, or continuously attended by appropriately
cleared personnel.
Storage of the SOI means that security containers
(vaults, alarms, guards) are used to protect the information during nonduty
hours or when it is not under the direct and continuous control of properly
cleared and authorized personnel. Simply put, your SOI must be under the
control of authorized persons or secured in an appropriate container at all