Messages are prepared on DD Form 173 as a single address, multiple
address, book, or general message form.
a. Single address - A message that has only one addressee.
b. Multiple address - A message that has two or more addressees.
c. Book - A message of such nature that all addressees need not know
the other recipients.
d. General - A message designated for wide dissemination of information
or instructions.
Refer to Figure 3-1 for instruction.
Markings are placed in the security classification blocks and, if
applicable, in the message handling instructions or special instructions
blocks of each of the message forms (1).
a. For classified messages, the security classification is stamped or
marked (not typed) in the security classification blocks at the top and
bottom of the form.
b. For unclassified messages, the word UNCLAS is stamped, marked, or
typed in the security classification blocks.
c. "For Official Use Only" has EFTO-FOUO or FOUO stamped or marked (not
typed) in the security classification blocks.
The writer of the message
determines the security classification.
Page numbers (2) are entered on each page of a message and identify
each page of the series.
Pages are numbered using two numeric characters
beginning with 01 and continuing in sequence throughout the message (such as
02, 03, 04). The page count consists of two numeric characters. The page
count is required only on the last page of the message. However, if a page
count is used on all pages, it must be consistent (such as 01 of 03, 02 of
03, 03 of 03). In the case of a one page message, the page count must also
The date-time group (DTG)/releaser (3) reflects the time the message
was processed by the releaser. This time is typed in the block on page 01
after the releaser signs the message.
The DTG is expressed in date/time
(Zulu)/month/year and may also be entered in the lower right of the DD Form