(2) In support of defensive close
operations, the IEW effort identifies, tracks, and
disrupts the command and control apparatus of
enemy first echelon divisions. Figure 3-7 shows
the TEAMPACK IEW system.
(3) Simultaneously, it does the same
against second-echelon regiments of the
division, as well as regimental-sized elements of
second-echelon divisions in support of division
deep operations.
and EW effort identifies, tracks, and disrupts the
command and control of enemy defending
regiments in support of close operations. In
support of deep operations, it does the same
against enemy division reserves and enemy
units defending in the second and third
defensive positions.
f. Combat service support (CSS). The
division CSS system must support the overall
intent and concept of the commander.
Sustaining the division fight, even in an NBC
environment, requires all CSS elements to
adhere to the sustainment imperatives of
responsiveness, and improvisation.
division CSS system is capable of supporting
Figure 3-8. Combat service support
CSS elements of the division are integrated into the command and control system of the division so they
can shift support effort to the critical place and time to weight the battle. Sustainment operations enable
the division commander to mass combat power at the critical point and to seize the initiative. Prior to
tactical operations, the division commander must establish decision criteria for the withdrawal of the
division or subordinate units for reconstitution. The division reconstitution effort focuses on the
reorganization of organic assets to quickly return to combat. When possible, the commander should
prevent the unit from becoming so depleted that reorganization is not possible. A unit's combat
capability equates to its ability to continue to fight effectively and is the commander's call. The impact
an NBC environment has on the CSS BOS is substantial. CSS activities will include plans for handling
mass casualties, mass destruction, decontamination, resupply and reconstitution. Figure 3-8 illustrates
the M997 Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Transport (HEMTT) used in CSS operations.