(1) Combat Net Radio (CNR) System. The CNR system covers a broad spectrum of single
channel radio systems which provide C2 communications within the corps, in the division maneuver
brigades, CS units, and CSS units. The most recent development in this area has been the fielding of the
Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS) and the improved high frequency
radios (IHFR). SINCGARS is a new family of very high frequency (VHF) FM radios that will provide
the primary means of command and control communications down to the platoon level. SINCGARS
radio sets will replace the current VRC-12 series of FM radios. IHFR is a new family of high frequency
(HF) radios that will provide dedicated beyond line-of-sight communications for commanders whose
forces normally operate beyond line-of-sight range such as armored cavalry units.
(2) Army Data Distribution System (ADDS). The significant increase in automation support
weapons systems presently being fielded necessitates the development of an efficient and effective
means to transfer data on the battlefield. The ADDS will address this issue. The ADDS is an integrated
C2 communications system designed to provide near real-time transmission capabilities to support high
volume data networks. Two specific ADD systems are the Enhanced Position Location Reporting
System (EPLRS) and the Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS). EPLRS is a
computer-based communications system designed to provide secure, jam-resistant, near real-time data
transmission, and distribution to subscribers. EPLRS provides unit identification, navigational aids and
the automatic location reporting of tactical combat and CS forces. JTIDS is an advanced data system
which will be used to transmit air defense information between sister services, within army, corps, and
division air defense units.
(3) Area Common User System (ACUS). The ACUS is a secure multi/common user
information to all subscribers. The most recent development in this area has been the fielding of the
Mobile Subscriber Equipment (MSE). MSE will provide voice and data communications from the corps
rear boundary forward to the division maneuver battalions. It provides commanders and staff with a
switched communications system which includes secure telephone, secure facsimile, secure mobile
d. Figure 1-5 shows the complete Sigma Star. The Sigma Star illustrates the integration of the
BFA with their respective BAS. This whole network is linked by the three communication systems.
ACUS, ADDS, and CNR are at the core of this structure, providing the commander the means by which
he commands and controls.
Summary. In this lesson, you were introduced to signal support doctrine. You learned about the
roles and responsibilities of the various signal elements at different echelons.