Roles and Responsibilities. The signal officer's role, responsibilities, and mission at the theater
through maneuver battalion level are focused on providing integrated combat force with the
communications support it needs to fight and win. Effective signal officers must be knowledgeable of
the requirements, not only at their level, but those of higher and subordinate organizations.
a. Theater Signal Command (Army)(TCS(A)). The TSC(A) provides the telecommunications
network to support the theater army and its forces at the operational level of war. It provides the Army's
portion of the Defense Communications System (DCS) and provides the link into joint and strategic
networks. The TSC(A) commander is also the theater signal officer (TSO) and is responsible for
planning and coordinating the theater's signal support.
b. The corps signal brigade installs, operates, and maintains area telecommunications systems
to support the corps. It also provides telecommunications support to major subordinate commands and
all corps command posts. The corps signal brigade commander provides technical direction for the
corps area communications network. The corps signal brigade commander is also the corps signal
officer (CSO) and is responsible for planning and coordination of the corps signal support.
c. Division signal battalion. The division signal battalion installs, operates, and maintains
telecommunications systems to support the division. The division signal battalion commander provides
technical direction for the division's communications network and that portion of the division system
provided by lower echelon units. The battalion commander is also the division signal officer (DSO) and
is responsible for planning and coordinating the division signal support.
d. Brigade, division artillery, and maneuver battalion signal officer. Appendix A of FM 11-50
describes the duties, organizations, and staff relationships of the signal officer serving in combat units.
They are:
(1) Advise the commander and staff officers on all signal support matters.
(2) Plan, manage, and direct all aspects of the unit communications systems.
(3) Exercise staff supervision over the communications activities of subordinate and attached
into the systems of lower, adjacent, and higher headquarters.
(5) Supervise the installation and operation of tactical communications and automation