Figure 2-9. Intrabattery wire system
c. The fourth wire team sets up supporting-to-supported unit communications. The first priority is the wire
line from the battalion TACFIRE to the brigade FSO's variable format message entry devices (VFMED). The
second priority is a line from the battalion TACFIRE to the multi-channel shelter at the brigade HQ extension or
support extension (whichever is closer) to pick up a prerouted digital circuit to the DIVARTY TACFIRE. The
third priority is a voice circuit between the DS battalion switchboard and the brigade or signal extension node
switchboard for ACUS access throughout the brigade and division telephone system.
d. The user or subscriber installs other lines within the DS battalion CP.
1. Overview. Mobile Subscriber Equipment(MSE) is being fielded to both active and reserve component Army
units. MSE is replacing the ATACS located a corps and division and was developed because of the need to
modernize tactical communications. MSE is an ACUS that provides commanders and staff personnel at corps and
division with secure, automatic digitized voice, data, and facsimile communications to both static and mobile