2-12. A great majority of the information on which the enemy can act is, by itself, unclassified.
By correlation and analysis, this seemingly unimportant information can be of great value. With
the advent of improved interception techniques, the need to _______________ all transmissions
becomes more important.
(2-12. Answer: protect)
2-13. Strict adherence to the principles of transmission security helps protect a radio set from
_______________ _______________.
(2-13. Answer: unauthorized interception, traffic analysis, imitative deception)
2-14. You must assume the enemy uses radio direction finding and radio interception equipment
on all transmissions. Enemy use of radio direction finders may disclose the position of your
transmitting station. However, the enemy is less likely to obtain suitable bearings when
transmissions are short.
The possibility of interception and direction finding increases with your length of the
transmission. It makes good sense to keep your transmission as ___________ as possible.
(2-14. Answer: short)
2-15. When speed of service is essential, transmission in the clear of material classified up to
and including SECRET is authorized. In combat, when speed of service is essential,
transmission in the ___________ of material classified up to and including ___________ is
(2-15. Answer: clear, SECRET)