The circuits have been color coded as follows:
DC power circuits - Red
Matching unit DC control circuits - Orange
Receive signal path circuits - Yellow
Squelch disabling circuit
Keying and muting circuits - Green
Transmit signal paths - Blue
RF Generation and RF output modulation
Ground - Black
b. Analyze the selected bad circuit to identify possible bad items.
(1) Analyze diagrams (trace circuit) as to possible bad items.
(2) Determine the troubleshooting technique (types of test) for given
(3) Determine
selecting the correct order and location of the test points.
c. Perform the troubleshooting procedures (test points) to isolate the
bad item, classify the reading as normal or abnormal to identify the actual
bad item, and take corrective action.
Voltage or signal trace.
Signal or circuit substitution.
Circuit disturbance.
d. Reevaluate the system after repairs to determine if other defects
e. Complete DA Form 2404.
(Refer to DA Pam 738-750.)
(1) Initiate a DA Form 2407 for items requiring support maintenance.
(2) Submit DA Form(s) to supervisor.
f. System troubleshooting the intercommunication set AN/VIC-1(V) with
medium power FM radio and COMSEC equipment consists of the following: