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Communication Systems Reference and Training Manuals
> Laboratory Procedures
Introduction to Laboratory Procedures - SS05090006
Lesson 1: The Photographic Process
Types of chemicals. - SS05090009
Figure 11. Photographic chemicals used by the military
Mixing chemicals.
Summary. - SS05090012
Figure 13. Color mixing instruction sheet
Learning Event 2: Describe Film Processing
Figure 14. Identification of various films-cont.
Figure 15. Sheet film identification notches
The processing sequence. - SS05090019
Figure 17. Developing process
Developing temperature and time.
Figure 18. Timetemperature development graph
Stop bath. - SS05090024
Fixing film. - SS05090025
Washing and drying film.
Figure 19. Rate of hypo elimination from a negative
Tray Processing Sheet Film. - SS05090028
Figure 110. Arrangement of trays in tray processing
Tank processing of sheet film. - SS05090030
Figure 111. Cut film agitation
Processing roll film in large tank. - SS05090033
Processing roll film in a daylight tank. - SS05090034
Learning Event 3: Describe Photographic Paper - SS05090035
Figure 112. Cross section of a sheet of photographic printing paper
Development papers. - SS05090037
Graded contrast papers.
Paper base, surface texture, weight, and size.
Paper base, surface texture, weight, and size-cont.
Kodak polycontrast paper
Table 11. Paper surfaces and weights
Learning Event 4: Describe Print Processing - SS05090044
Developing paper using tray method-cont.
Washing and drying paper. - SS05090046
Learning Event 5: Describe Ektamatic Print Processing - SS05090047
Processing methods.
Assemble and level the processor. - SS05090049
Figure 114. Rack assembly on the solution tray
Figure 115. Housing Assembly
Figure 117. Solution level valves
Figure 118. Processor complete
To prevent the lightweight paper from wrapping around the rollers - SS05090055
Lesson 1 Practice Exercise - SS05090056
Lesson 1 Practice Exercise-cont. - SS05090057
Lesson 1 Practice Exercise-cont. - SS05090058
Lesson 1 Practice Exercise-cont. - SS05090059
Lesson 2: Produce a Photographic Print
Contact printing equipment. - SS05090061
Figure 21. Photographic contact printer EN22A
Contact printing steps - SS05090063
Figure 22. Printing frame
The procedure for making a contact printing test, using a printing frame-cont.
Figure 23. Making a test strip
The procedure for making a test strip
Controls in contact printing. - SS05090068
Learning Event 2: Describe Projection Printing - SS05090069
The major components of a projection printer - SS05090070
Figure 24. Typical projection printer
An easel.
Printer and easel adjustment (composition). - SS05090074
Focusing and arranging the composition of the projected image
Test exposure. - SS05090076
Figure 27. Sample photos
Figure 27. Sample photos-cont.
Figure 28. Test print
Local control of exposure.
Figure 210. Using a wiresupported dodging device
Figure 211. Using a burningin device
Distortion control. - SS05090085
Figure 212. Correction by tilting the easel
Learning Event 3: Describe Print Finishing - SS05090087
Print toning. - SS05090088
Mounting. - SS05090089
Figure 214. Method of optical centering
Dry mounting procedure. - SS05090091
Figure 215. Tacking iron
Dry mounting procedure-cont.
Lesson 2 Practice Exercise - SS05090094
Lesson 2 Practice Exercise-cont. - SS05090095
Lesson 3: Photographic Quality Control
Cleanliness. - SS05090097
Visual quality assurance. - SS05090099
Visual quality assurance-cont.
Chemical negative defects. - SS05090101
Learning Event 2: Quality Control During Processing - SS05090102
Timetemperature charts.
Certification and replenishment.
Evidence of developer exhaustion. - SS05090105
Special additive ingredients
Procedures for replenishment. - SS05090107
Measurement of pH. - SS05090108
Figure 34. pH values of various developers
The pH meter.
The pH meter-cont.
Lesson 3 Practice Exercise - SS05090114
Summary - SS05090115
Answers to Practice Exercises - SS05090116
Answers to Practice Exercises-cont. - SS05090117
Laboratory Procedures
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business