Figure 62. Waveguide developed from quarter-wave stubs.
b. At the surface of a perfect conductor in an electromagnetic field that varies with time, the electric
field is perpendicular to the surface of the conductor and the magnetic field is parallel to the surface of the
conductor. Any component of the electric field parallel to the surface is shorted out and ceases to exist. Any
component of the magnetic field perpendicular to the surface induces a current in the surface that produces an
equal and opposite magnetic field. Then the perpendicular component of the magnetic field also ceases to exist.
a. The electromagnetic field shown in A of figure 63 represents the energy radiated into space in the
form of a vertically polarized wave. A horizontally polarized wave will have the E and H fields rotated 90,.
Notice that the E lines (electric) and the H lines (magnetic) are at right angles to each other and that both are at
right angles to the direction of propagation.
b. If two parallel conducting planes are placed in the electromagnetic field with the conducting planes
perpendicular to the E lines, as shown in 8 of figure 63, the waves comply with the rules presented in paragraph 1-
5 and can exist without change in shape between the two parallel conducting planes.
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