Certain entries are mandatory in each and every log.
These entries
are made as they occur. A list of the mandatory entries is below.
a. All opening and closing transmissions.
b. Causes of delay.
d. Unusual occurrences.
e. Procedure violations.
f. Security violations.
Numerous forms can be used in the operation of a station or net. Of
scheduling, performing, recording, and managing maintenance on equipment.
DA Form 2404, Equipment Inspection, and maintenance worksheet, is used
by operators or crews to list faults they cannot fix and faults corrected by
replacing parts.
Persons performing inspections, maintenance services,
diagnostic checks, technical evaluations and PMCS use DA Form 2404. The way
to fill out DA Form 2404 varies with its use. Specific instructions for the
proper completion of DA Form 2404 are found in DA Pam 738-750.
maintenance to repair or apply MWOs to equipment. Its most common use is
for requesting maintenance. Separate DA Forms 2407 are filled out for each
reportable item. A single DA Form 2407 may be used to request maintenance
on several like items, provided they are not reportable. The organization
requesting the maintenance completes Section I of the form.
(See Figure