b. The battalion operations net (FM voice) is the battalion's
principal operations net. It is used for tasking, coordinating, and
(IEW) elements of the battalion. A diagram of the net is at Figure
As this illustration depicts, there are many stations in this
net, collecting and analyzing intelligence, and carrying out jamming
Figure 2-2.
c. The battalion administrative/logistics net (FM voice) is used
Figure 2-3, page 2-4 shows a diagram of this net. The MI battalion
is electronics-intense, and all stations in this net must be on line
to ensure repair parts get to where they are needed.
d. The collection and jamming (C&J) tasking and reporting nets
and reporting, and for passing technical data to the deployed
subordinate elements of the C&J company.
There are three of these
nets - one for each of the maneuver brigades.
The IEW support
element (IEWSE) at each maneuver brigade's command post (CP) monitors
this net to provide rapid reporting of combat information and
intelligence to the brigade S2.
A diagram of the net is at Figure
2-4, page 2-4.