The intelligence staff uses counterintelligence to support the C3 protect mission. It
identifies and locates enemy threats to friendly C3. It also identifies targets for jamming and destruction.
Intelligence information supports each of the C3CM components (Table 2-1).
Table 2-1. Intelligence support of C3CM.
Joint Force Commander C3CM responsibilities. C3CM functions at the joint force level
primarily involve planning and evaluation. The highest C3CM planning level is the joint force
commander (JFC) and his staff.
The JFC provides guidance on land, air, and sea operations. He can issue guidance as a
concept of operation which contains specifics for C3CM. The JFC ensures the timely publication of
guidance and priorities for the C3CM plan. That allows the service components time to develop
supporting plans.
The JFCs guidance includes:
A brief narrative assessment of the enemy's C3 structure.
His specific C3CM objectives.