Lesson 1/Learning Event 3
a. Coordinating Maintenance. Technical control personnel are involved
in almost every aspect of operation within the station.
All user circuit
requirements must be made known to these personnel. The inputs and outputs
of most equipment appear at the patch bays and test boards, also the order
wire circuits.
For these reasons, the personnel at the technical control
facility are in an ideal position to determine faulty circuits, detect
equipment failures, and coordinate the accomplishment of repairs with the
appropriate station maintenance sections. This includes guiding maintenance
personnel to the defective equipment, reporting observed trouble symptoms,
patching around the affected circuits (equipment substitution), assigning
priority to the repair work, and coordinating maintenance activities with
connected technical control facilities when circuits must be interrupted.
b. Telegraph and Audio Channel Trouble Isolation.
Each technical
control facility is responsible primarily for the receive side of all
circuits at the technical control facility.
If it is determined that the
circuit is not operating satisfactorily, the technical controller will
monitor and analyze the circuit to determine the trouble.
Then the
technical controller at the receive station will proceed as follows:
(1) Coordinate with the distant technical controller to stop traffic and
perform test to determine the quality of the connected technical control
facilities. If the circuit does not meet standards, restore service to the
user on a spare channel or by preemption of a lower priority circuit when a
spare channel is not available.
(2) If the channel between the connected technical control facilities
meets quality standards, analyze the circuit between their respective
stations and the connected users to locate the trouble.
When circuit or
equipment repairs have been completed, and when the circuit meets quality
standards, restore normal service to the user.
(3) When an interconnected circuit passes through a number of control
facilities, the technical controller in each facility is responsible for the
However, the technical controller in the
facility immediately serving the complaining user will coordinate the
activities in all facilities involving circuit restoration.