24. What is the maximum recommended amount of
prints there should
processed before you must change or add chemicals?
ANS: _____________________________________________________
25. When feeding an exposed sheet of stabilization type paper into the
print processor, which way must the emulsion side face?
ANS: _____________________________________________________
26. When storing the activator and stabilizer chemical when in use on the
print processor, the recommended temperature must be: (select best answer)
35€ to 55, F.
65€ to 85€ F.
65€ to 90€ F.
55€ to 85€ F.
27. After the print processor has been shut down for more than 12 hours,
how long must it be allowed to run before you should process the next
exposed stabilization type print paper?
ANS: _____________________________________________________
3-13 Scope of Operator's Maintenance
The maintenance duties assigned to the operator of the print processor
are listed below together with references to the paragraphs covering
specific maintenance functions. The tools and materials required are listed
in paragraph 3-14.
a. Cleaning (para 3-15).
b. Daily preventive maintenance checks and services (para 3-17).
c. Weekly preventive maintenance checks and services (para 3-18).
d. Troubleshooting (para 3-19).