b. Possible bad equipment.
Trace the intercom talk/listen circuit
(Figure 40), and identify the following possible bad items of equipment: C-
2298 (commander, driver, and crew), CX-4723 (commander, driver, and crew),
and AM-1780.
Figure 40.
Talk/listen circuit.
c. Test procedure 17.
To determine whether a short exists, move the
handset to the nearest crew member's C-2298 J803 INT connector.
Key the handset and speak into the mike.
If there is no sidetone, move the handset back to the commander's
Remove one CX-4723 connected to the AM-1780 J505, J506, or J507;
and again check for sidetone at the commander's C-2298.
If there is sidetone, the CX-4723 or C-2298 that was disconnected
is shorted.