b. The paragraphs referenced in the troubleshooting chart refer to TM 11-6740-265-12 which
includes additional troubleshooting data. While this information is included in this lesson, on the job you
need to use the TM. If the corrective measures indicated do not result in the correction of the trouble, refer
the equipment to the next category of maintenance.
Aligning Film Stage Bridge (fig. 1-4).
a. Check to be sure there is no negative carrier on the film stage bridge.
b. Pull the control lever forward and place it on the stop to raise the lamp house assembly. Place a
ruler on the film stage bridge so that the ends of the ruler extend beyond the sides (right and left of the film
stage bridge).
c. Lower the lamp house assembly.
d. Hold a rod vertically at either end of the ruler.
e. Slowly raise or lower the carriage assembly until the rod touches both the ruler and the
f. Lock the carriage assembly in this position.
g. Move the rod to the other rend of the ruler.
h. If the rod does not touch both the ruler and the baseboard, proceed as follows:
(1) Loosen the adjusting screws.
(2) Align the film stage bridge so that both ends of the ruler are an equal distance from the
(3) Tighten the adjusting screws.