i. Raise the lamp house assembly and reposition the ruler so that the ends extend beyond the front
and back of the film stage bridge.
j. Lower the lamp house assembly.
k. Place the rod between the front end of the ruler and the baseboard.
1. Loosen the carriage locking knob and raise or lower the carriage assembly until the rod touches
both the ruler and the baseboard.
m. Repeat the procedures given in g and h above.
n. Recheck the alignment by repeating the procedures given in b through g above. If necessary,
repeat the procedures in h above.
Aligning Condenser Lens Set (fig. 1-5).
a. Check the film stage bridge alignment.
b. Check to determine if the condenser lens set seats evenly on the film stage bridge. If it does not
seat evenly, proceed as follows:
(1) Loosen the setscrews (not shown) that secure the lifting levers (7) to the interconnecting
(2) Adjust the lifting levers until the condenser lens set seats evenly on the film stage bridge.
(3) Tighten the setscrews.
c. Operate the control lever and check to be sure that the condenser lens set seats evenly.
Replacement of Counterbalance Springs (fig. 1-5).
a. Removal.
(1) Raise the carriage assembly to its highest position and tighten the carriage locking knob (15).
(2) Release the counterbalance spring clip (9) from the roller shaft of the carriage assembly and
slowly allow the spring strap to return to the counterbalance spring housing.
(3) Remove the screw (2), the nut (3), and the lockwasher (4), and separate the counterbalance
spring (i) from the girder spacer (21).